Some elders in Guinea don’t approve of this modern use of their centuries-old instrument. But they can’t deny that the group exposes the Kora to a wider audience. Even we newbies to African music will enjoy their creations!
Ba, the front man of the group, was born in Guinea into the Cissoko family, which sealed his fate: If you are a Cissoko, you are a kora player. As a typical teenager though, Ba had no interest in the music of his forefathers. He found the kora to be old and passé.
But because he wasn’t interested in school either, Ba didn’t do very well any any area of his life. As a last resort, the stubborn boy was sent to his uncle, a famous Kora player and teacher.
Under this man’s patient tutelage, Ba finally started playing and appreciating the traditional instrument of his family.
Eventually, Ba was hired to play at a hotel in Conakry, where he started to play jazz, reggae and covers of Western songs.
Follow the link to read Ba Cissoko Traditional Kora Players